Edmond, Oklahoma
Parsons Place Aussies
Est. 2006
Celebrating 13 Years
..... and loving every minute
Testimonials Reviews and Updates
Customer feedback is very important to us - it updates us on just how well we are doing, and if or when we need improvement .** Thank you for letting us know we are doing a good job!

As many of you may already know Facebook has been putting a stop to animal promotions/sales on personal,
group and business pages. Many breeders pages have been permanently removed - Sadly ours was one of them.
We had been promoting our Aussies on Facebook since 2010 and had been blessed with more than 2600 followers.
We had over 60 - 5 Star Reviews, recommendations and hundreds of comments and posts.
Since that page is no longer available - we have taken the time to add those reviews on to this website. -
Parsons Place does have a new account just for the Aussies on FB -"Parsons place stable Aussies"
**So please like and follow us on there and on Instagram! Links are in the top right hand corners.
We receive countess reviews and updates through- Messenger, email, text, FB, etc...
Here are just a handful 2019 - 2006

I thought you might like to see these. Her name is Ms. Belle she is great!!! She has more personality than any dog I have ever had. She will tattle on me if I have scolded her when Nicky comes home for lunch. She has to sit on the bathroom counter and watch me brush my teeth at night. To say the very least she is spoiled!!!!
I have refered 3 people to you this weekend. Everyone had a fit over Belle at East Fork Stables. She loves to go camping. Thanks again for Belle she is truly a one in a million!!! Luann Dolly's puppy - Lebanon, Tn
update: Belle has recieved her AKC Canine Good Citizen AWARD!! Way to go Belle
Belle is also working as a therepy dog and is being fearured in the local paper !
Hi Kathy -
Macie did really well on the way home. She actually liked being in her crate rather than being out while traveling. She is doing well with potty training already starting to go to the door. She seems to be adapting well and has already worked her way into everyone's heart. She is a real cutie and we are all convinced she is just brilliant! She goes to the door to go potty and also can go up the steps! I wanted to thank you for the time you spent with the girls and teaching them about horses. They absolutely loved it and have told everyone about it.
Thank you! Best Regards, Kelly Hill
Dolly Puppy North Carolina

2008 Dolly's Puppy - Mt. Juliet, TN
Hi Kathy!
Bill and I just wanted to thank you so much for allowing us to treasure one of your awesome aussie pups!
We have all bonded and although I am trying NOT to spoil him, it's extremely hard not to! I am including some
pics of Petey in his new happy home. He has had lots of visitors and EVERYONE ooohhs and ahhhs over how so very handsome he is!
I think he knows it too! We will try to keep you updated on him often and thank you again for breeding such perfect Aussies!
I will tell everyone I know who might be a good match for one! I have put together a slide show of his first two days in his new home and I also used your photos! ...let me know what you think! UPDATE: Hi Kathy! We adopted Petey from you the week before Thanksgiving and boy are we thankful for him! What a sweetie! I am including some pics of him so you can see how very handsome he is. He is smart and he is made for agility... he isn't happy if he isn't airborne! His favorite game is fetching his ball at the park as he frolics back and places it at our feet then after a dozen times or so he plays the chase game... he chases Bill to one end of the park then comes after me...he is lightning fast! He weighs just about 10 lbs. He is Tiny! We are happy with every ounce of him..People just can't believe how tiny he is... they say... is he a Toy? Anyway, we hope all is well at Parsons Place and we tell everyone about you!
Have a blessed day,
Lesli, Bill, Tyler and Petey Emmetts CHECK OUT THEIR WEBSITE! www.divineimages.net
Joy's Puppy Dickson, TN
Help......Rascal is taking over ! ! ! ! ! He is a very fast learner. We are absolutely in love!!!
We are SO in love already. He is such an awesome puppy. He has already gone to the door and scratched to go out!!! He and Rose ( the Cat) are big buddies. They have been playing nonstop this morning.
Rascal has a vet appt at 3 this afternoon. Maybe he'll need a new toy for going to the Dr!....lol.........He immediately loved the little stuffed lion Dakota got at Christmas last year. He then figured out that the big rope was fun too. I hope to have the two of them playing tug of war before long....
Thanks so much for Rascal! He is a perfect fit with our family. Yes, he'll be way too spoiled but oh well,
we are the ones that have to live with him. Thanksgiving should be interesting,.....I expect Rascal will be more popular than the turkey!
Hi, thought you might like to see how Rascal likes to spend part of his day. He loves to lay on the shelf and nap. He also loves to steal the ball and run and slide under it! We love him dearly.
I keep checking your site...wish I could afford to bring home another one :(
Hope y'all have an awesome Christmas!
There are several albums on photobucket, ...Rangerette520 feel free to look at the pics...nothing as cute as Rascal!
Thanks again, Deb & Greg
Joy's puppy - Kentucky
Here are a few pictures of Ethan with DUKE. That's his official name. He did fine on the trip the home. He rode in the carrier part of the way and in my lap some. We're in love already!!!! :o) Thanks for everything and I'll keep sending you pics as he grows up.
I would love to be a reference for you. We LOVE our doggy!!! Dukey is rotten as dirt!! We had him at the vet a few weeks ago to get "fixed" and he weighed 25 pounds. Maybe someday we can add another of your babies to our family. He is the best little dog we've ever had.
Joy's Puppy
Nashville, Tn
Just writing to let you know that the puppy is doing GREAT! We named her Addison.She is working with Joanna every day and has become quite popular with all of her clients. Addison even gets to go behind the counter at the bank to love on the tellers. GRIN!
The guys at Ace Hardware thought that was the cutest thing they had ever seen. Please feel free to write anytime.
She weighs about 25lbs... 24.6 to be exact. We think her size is perfect. She is small enough to pick up and hold in your lap, but large enough to play with the other dogs, work with us, and go boating and tubing at the lake. GRIN!
Addison is very smart... an independent thinker :), and has a great personality. She is exactly what we wanted!
Dolly's puppy Louisiana
We named her Keela, which is Irish and means Beauty
Everything went fine, Keela was ok and as cute as her pictures when she arrived. She spent a good night without much crying at all she is wonderful and I am very happy to finally have her here. Thanks so much and I look forward to many years of friendship and companionship from her. We will send you some pics in a couple of days once she is fully settled in as well as try to keep in touch with you as she grows.
Again Thanks so much for such a beautiful puppy.
Keela is just great I love her and would not know what to do without her, although I am not very stern and effective in my discipline with her. She is great and actually I have seen her bonding even more as she gets older. message dated 9/11/2008
I have not actually measured her but she is probably a bit over 17" tall and in my guess weighs about 35 pounds. She has turned out to be exactly the size I was hoping for, not too big and yet not too small. She is able to jump up in the back of my truck with the tailgate down and loves to ride. I take her to work with me usually everyday and she has a lot of space for plenty of exercise so when we get home she is good and tired.
By the way I got to see the puppy my boss (Dave Wolf) purchased from you during thanksgiving week, she is so cute and tiny.
Kathy & Jessie, I just wanted you to know that our sweet Angus is doing well and absolutely loving the kids. We took Angus to Arkansas over the Christmas holidays. My father has a small cattle farm and we took Angus out there to see what he would do. He was showing us how he could bark and if we had let him out of the truck, I am sure he would have been herding. He has already made a couple of canine friends in the neighborhood. Tracker, a beagle, runs around in circles and Angus is having a blast herding him too. He is loving the outdoors, and cries to go out. He hasn't jumped in the pool, yet, but he is getting more curious each day.
Hope you all had a great holiday.
Thanks again for our sweet Angus!
Joy's puppy Memphis, TN
Hi Kathy, Happy New Year!
Maya is doing very well. She is growing, but she is still tiny. My girlfriend loves that! The vet thinks she likely won't make 10 pounds. Right now she is just shy of 5 pounds. Her legs are much longer, and she is quite athletic.
She's a beautiful little girl, and she is very much loved. Her training is going well. She can make it about 7 hours at night without peeing, and she is very good about going to the door when we are around and she needs to go out. She stays in the kitchen during the day when we are at work. She will pee on a puppy pad if she needs to. Accidents in the house are getting pretty rare at this point. She also sits, lies down, goes to her bed and comes fairly reliably on command. She's smart and enjoys the training, it seems. More commands to be added soon.
Hope you are well. Thank you for such a wonderful addition to our lives.
Best, Dave
Joy's puppy Louisiana
Hello Kathy,
Our trip back home went very good Jay was good all the way, he love to be in the car in my kid's lap he didn't get car sick nor he made any bad mess
The first night he did cry I guess he was missing home but since that Saturday night he is been doing ok My kids gave him some of his stuff animals so he doesn't feel lonely in his bed and I think that help a lot. He likes to play with my kids and all their friends love Jay.
Thank you for everything and also for the Horse ride.
I just want to give you an update of Jay, he is doing very good, we love him so much and my kids love to play with him when they come from school, "Jay" is very kind with other people and love to play with other dogs, My sister has a poodle and they play for hours every time I visit her.
Thanks so much for all your help and God bless you.
Edgar.A. Gamez
Joy's Puppy Alaska
Just a little update on Roxy-
Roxy is doing great and everyone loves her. Hanna’s been training with her for a couple of weeks, and so far she sits and lays down with hand commands, has learned her “leave it” command, and rings a bell to go outside. She’s awesome. They do some agility at the end of each class and she does really well with that, so Hanna definitely wants to pursue that in the future. Thanks again. Lori
Sissy's puppies - in Rhode Island
They have arrived safe & sound, one pooped in the crate so they both got baths (again!). It's after 7pm and we just are getting aquainted! They are cuter than I could have imagined. The other people at the airport made me take them out of their cage right there so they could see them. I attached a pic taken after their bath and one of my hubby with our border taken a few days ago. They are gonna be great friends - the pups are already taking over!
They seem to love the snow, plowing through it, running and jumping around - and they both potty outside now! They are so smart! Cheech sleeps around my head, and Chong sleeps at the foot of the bed with his head over my leg - so cute! Have to take pics in the snow for you. there. Here's how much snow we have - 5-6 feet in the back yard, and here's the boys in the fenced yard playing in the snow!
Look at Chong stand - isn't he gorgeous! me.mayes_enterprises@verizon.net
Thank you so much! Dee
Hello Kathy,
just wanted to give you an update on Joey. I think we're a match made in heaven.
He's very affectionate and claims me as his property. He's always right next to me. He loves
the boys, and when they go to the bus stop in the morning, they have to keep him in the
house, otherwise he'd follow the bus and go to school with them. So all in all just a perfect
dog. I wouldn't call him hyper at all, just young and full of energy. He needs to learn a couple
of things, but he's still a puppy. Ever since I picked him up rom you, he's been without a collar
or leash, he's just a wild and free creature, desperate to please people. I really need to get on
the agility thing, I'm sure he'd love it.
Talk to you soon! Andrea
threadventures Embroidery Joy's Puppy Crossville, TN

Dolly's Puppy California
Thank you so much for our
new puppy shes so great and
has brought so much laughter
into our home. We've all taken
a liking to her and she has to
us. Shes perfect in every way.
We wanted you to know what a great dog Kalie is. She is one of the more loving dogs we have ever had and smartest. More great things about her is her size and no tail, we love the breed. She fits into our family so well, we travel a lot and she seems to love it, we take her ever where we go. As shes getting older she is becoming a great dog, she stays right by our sides at all times, she listens very well, and picks up commands very fast. We would recommend the breed to any one. She has become a loving member of our family and we enjoy every moment with her. Thank you so much. -The Bramlett Family